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Participation in the Large Landscape Peer Learning Exchange, organized by the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy
In 2018 and 2019, Tierra Austral participated in a series of meetings of the first Large Landscape Peer Exchange, which has been organized by the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy. In September…
20 de September de 2019 -
Execution of cooperation agreement with the Pro Bono Foundation
Marking a significant breakthrough for the long-term stewardship of its Derecho Real de Conservación agreements, the Fundación Tierra Austral and the Pro Bono Foundation signed an agreement in which the Foundation made…
4 de July de 2019 -
Workshop on Standards of the Derecho Real de Conservación
Within the framework of the project Establecimiento de Estándares para Iniciativas de Conservación Privada (ICP), Land Trusts y uso del Derecho Real de Conservación (DRC) en Chile, a participatory workshop on the…
20 de June de 2019 -
Workshop on Land Trust Standards
Within the framework of the project Establecimiento de Estándares para Iniciativas de Conservación Privada (ICP), Land Trusts y uso del Derecho Real de Conservación (DRC) en Chile, a presentation on Land Trusts…
15 de May de 2019 -
Participation in the International Land Conservation Network Global Congress
Fundación Tierra Austral participated and was fully engaged in the planning of the second Global Congress of the International Land Conservation Network: “From Communities to Countries: Visionary Conservation in a Changing World”,…
20 de January de 2018 -
Seminar at the Land Trust Alliance Rally
Representatives of Fundación Tierra Austral participated in a well-received panel presentation at the national meeting of the Land Trust Alliance in Denver, Colorado, United States. Joining FTA on the panel were several…
19 de October de 2017 -
Forum for lawyers and representatives of the private sector
Fundación Tierra Austral participated in an event organized by the Pro Bono Foundation. The Foundation invited Tierra Austral to give a lecture at a forum on the “benefits and challenges of the…
10 de August de 2017 -
New private lands conservation enabling legislation is passed by the Chilean Congress
Law 20,930, creating the new Derecho Real de Conservación, was enacted by the Government of Chile, upon the unanimous consent of the Congress. The new law, which has been the focus of…
7 de June de 2016 -
Tierra Austral joins the Land Trust Alliance
Fundación Tierra Austral became a member of the Land Trust Alliance, the national service organization for private, non-profit land conservation organizations in the United States.
20 de June de 2014 -
The Senate of Chile adopts, in general, the Derecho Real de Conservación
On May 7th, 2014, by 29 votes in favor, no dissenting votes and no abstentions, the Senate passed private lands conservation enabling legislation, the Derecho Real de Conservación. The next step in…
20 de May de 2014