Cerro La Giganta
Cerro La Giganta is in the commune of Panquehue, Valparaíso Region. Inserted in the Mediterranean ecosystem of central Chile, the area has an important presence of native and endemic flora.
The property has an approximate area of 240 hectares and, through the implementation of a Real Right of Conservation (DRC) agreement, 94% of the property (228 hectares) will be protected in perpetuity.
Numerous species in conservation category could be found in La Giganta, such as the guayacán and the carob tree, highlighting, in addition, the presence of four species of native cactus such as the Eriosyce coimasensis (Quisquito de las Coimas), endemic cactus with a geographical distribution limited to the Aconcagua Valley. La Giganta is also a symbolic place for the inhabitants of San Felipe, Panquehue and surroundings, since those who visit it can carry out educational activities in the botanical garden and recreational activities, such as trekking and climbing.